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        1. Welcome to the official website of Jiangsu Guoxin Union Energy Co.,Ltd.!
        2. Contact us Send message Sitemap
        3. Jiangsu Guoxin Union Energy Co., Ltd.


          Jiangsu Guoxin Union Energy Co.,Ltd.

          An explorer of efficient use of traditional energy.

          A pioneer in the low-carbon development of clean energy.

          A leader in the development and application of new technologies for biotechnology.

        4. Services

          Committed to providing solutions for the three business segments of coal-fired and gas-fired power generation, central heating and food additive manufacturing.

          Jiangsu Guoxin Union Energy Co.,Ltd.
          ADD: NO.1 Redian Road, Economic Development Zone, Yixing City, Jiangsu, China.(214203)
          Tel: +86-510-87124288 ; 87125029 Fax: +86-510-87125020
          E-mail: sales@co-union.com URL: www.xinfenbao.cn

          Yixing-Ynion Customer Service Hotline

          Citric acid business: +86-510-87124288 ; 87125029 ; 87125037
          Fly ash/calcium sulphate business: +86-510-87125003
          Protein feed/mycelium business: +86-510-87125029
          Anaerobic granular sludge business: +86-510-87125029
          Citric acid service: +86-510-87121088-2259
          Sulfur business: +86-510-87121070
          Coal business: +86-510-87121789
          Technical support: +86-510-87121088-2151
          Production dept.: +86-510-87121088-2070
          Equipment purchase: +86-510-87125036
          Electric hotline: +86-510-87121088


          備案序號:蘇ICP備05012893號   蘇公網安備 32028202000457號 Copyright(C)2019, Jiangsu Guoxin Union Energy Co., Ltd. 

          All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChinaChemNet ChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice


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